Other tales 

Here are a selection of short tales and associated thoughts.  Most are in the region of 300 words long.  Please note, I'm a lousy copy- editor, so if you find certain errors or infelicities of language, accept my apologies now.

A Touch of the Biblical

Letter to Paul from his Mam

When I left Pontnewenydd to be with your dad in Tarsus, I never dreamt ....

Mary's take on the Nativity

I was nine months pregnant and travelling 90 miles with an embarrassed ..

St Christopher's Advice

As your patron saint of travellers, I've frequently witnessed the frankly daft ...

A Bit Personal

Useful Thoughts at 72

It’s ok to wear odd socks. You CAN go to see a film on your own.......


New Year's Eve at Auntie Gin’s house was a regular feature of our year......

Christmas 2023

It's 9 December 2023 and the shops in Caerdydd are crammed, the trains....

Other tales


Smile. Snap.  'Lovely,’ they all said, as her father-in-law finished the shot......

Birds Flying High

Bird flying high: you know how I feel.

Ah, stuff it.  It’s a kite......

Geraint and Dai

In all these years, Gerant had never lost his soldier's bearing.  His back was as ...

Out and About 


Remote Churchyard

Does a mountain begin or end where it touches the sky?....

Remote Churchyard 2

The air is like stove-heated milk, not quite ready for hot chocolate.....

Other's Shoes

The shop assistant offers me a choice:  Owain Glyndwr’s size 11 boots, a pair...